The Caribbean needs our help!

Today we bring you information about an IICA crowdfunding initiative to combat food scarcity in the Caribbean.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, the population in the Americas –the most unequal region in the world –faces a complex scenario as a result of the development gap between urban and rural areas.

The slowdown in global economic growth has had a severe impact on the region, highlighting its dependence on food imports. As a result of the pandemic, the agricultural workforce has diminished, restrictions on basic supplies have increased, and income has decreased, among other effects.

These issues are further aggravated by climate change, prolonged drought conditions in the region, difficulties associated with the development gap between urban and rural areas, limited access to public services, a poor health infrastructure, wage gaps, gender discrimination, job insecurity, etc.

Now you can help without leaving home! #IamJoiningIICAChallenge

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), an international agency specializing in agriculture, with offices in 34 countries across the Americas, has launched the crowdfunding initiative #IamJoiningIICAChallenge to collect USD 50,000 in 3 months to provide basic agricultural inputs to 4 communities in Antigua and Barbuda, and Haiti to combat the food insecurity that this crisis is causing in the region.

Who will I be helping if I join the challenge?

Based on its experience (and presence) in the region, IICA has selected 4 communities that are vulnerable to food insecurity and that need your help to overcome this crisis.

In Haiti: Communities of Bas Boen and Montrouis

What will your donation fund? Sweet corn and black bean seeds, which will be distributed among producers in the Southern (Les Anglais, Ducis and Camp-Perrin), Western (Bas Boen) and Grande Anse (Beaumont) departments.

How many people will benefit? 100 direct beneficiaries – 70 men, 10 women, 20 youth. 150 indirect beneficiaries.

In Antigua and Barbuda:  Community of Codrington, Barbuda / Burkes Sanderson, Antigua

What will your donation fund? Inputs and supplies to improve the irrigation systems and strengthen local groups of farmers to make their production

more sustainable and resilient.

How many people will benefit? 55 direct beneficiaries – 25 men, 15 women, 15 youth. Indirect beneficiaries: the entire community of Codrington and surrounding areas.

How can I help, and until when?

To join the challenge, you can make the donation that you wish to make through this OAS FCU account:

  • Recipient: IICA
  • Account number (for OAS FCU members making transfers from their credit union accounts): 11727
  • Account number (for non-OAS FCU members sending funds via ACH): 0011727716
  • ABA # (for ACH): 254075069

You can donate up to 11 December 2020. Any amount donated will be of great help to these communities!


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